CFI Center for the Intrepid (US Army; Texas) CFI Common Flash memory Interface CFI Contract Freighters, Inc. (Joplin, Missouri) CFI Centrale Financiën Instellingen (Dutch) CFI Canadian Film Institute CFI Carbon Financial Instrument CFI Call Frame Information CFI Colorado Fourteeners Initiative CFI...
On May 11, 1972, in reprisal for a fresh wave of US bombings in Vietnam, the group began a wave of bombings that spread throughout Germany, in Karlsruhe, Munich, Hamburg. In Frankfurt am Main they set off three pipe bombs at the Fifth US Army Corps stationed at the IG Farben building...
Russell Fedewa reports non-financial support from Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., and grants from US Army Medical Research and Material Command CDMRP PRMRP W81XWH-16-1-0608. In addition, Dr. Fedewa has a patent on Advanced ultrasonic detection of different tissue types (WO2019075483A1) ...