By employing Autoregressive Distribution Lag estimation technique, this study specifically focuses on the short-run dynamic and long-run effects of trade openness and current account balance on unemployment rate in Nigeria using the data that span 1981-2014. We found that trade openness worsens ...
an arbitrary system of administrative detention without judicial review, numerous media outlets and NGOs reported forced labor continued in prisons as well as drug rehabilitation facilities where individuals continued to be detained without judicial process. An August, Epoch Times article stated prison lab...
122 NGA | 694 NGDP Nigeria National currency | Billions 1970-2011 6.987 9.607 10.58 12.25 14.60 19.55 26.43 29.94 33.12 41.30 47.62 51.73 53.66 57.96 64.33 73.54 74.91 111.91 147.94 228.45 281.55 329.07 555.45 715.24 945.56 2008.56 2799.04 2906.63 2816.41 3312.24 4717.33 4909.53 7128.20 8742.65 11673.6...
Government revenue in the UK 2000-2030 Budget expenditure of Ministry of Finance Thailand FY 2016-2024 Export value of Chinese food products to Czechia 2011-2021 TopicsKey economic indicators of GhanaGlobal economyGlobal economic indicatorsKey indicators of Nigeria's economyKey economic indicators of Ke...
This year, in Nigeria, the Islamic police, known as Hisbah, arrested eleven Muslims for eating during the fasting hours. Other nations that have penalties against eating or drinking during the day in Ramadan include Oman, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and ...
[11••,49,50]. There are disparities in access between SSA countries. South Africa, Nigeria, and Kenya have greater than 90% access. This falls to less than 50% in Chad, Eritrea, and the Central African Republic. On the other hand, less than 25% of the population of South Sudan...
in Nigeria and other African and Asian countries [37]. The main reason for this is reuse of razors, blades and lack of awareness among barbers about HIV transmission. A recent study was conducted in 250 beauty saloons of Karachi and found that the greater risks of cuts and snips took ...
[16••,17••]. Moreover, SNHL is generating a huge socioeconomic burden in endemic countries [14•]. Countries such as Nigeria are spending upwards of $43 million each year in aid programs [14•]. These countries also suffer from increased rates of depression and unemployment, ...
Aifuwa et al. (2020) investigated impacts of the Coronavirus on financial and non-financial performance of Nigerian firms. They adopted the survey, targeting to owners of private business and financial analysts in Lagos State, where experienced the highest number of infected cases in Nigeria. By ...
coming in the midst of widespread unemployment, underscored inequities in distribution. In 1975 production fell sharply as a result of the sudden decrease in world demand, and prices moved downward until late in the year when OPEC intervened to raise prices. Nigeria fully supported OPEC policies. ...