we also distro music… see girlsradiooffensive.bandcamp.com for our latest compilations or releases. girls radio offensive plays punk music with a focus on wimmin in punk as an underrepresented category in the punk community. we discuss issues around race and colonisation, white supremacy, anti-ca...
I am inviting you to enjoy some of my favorite music, and to be introduced to one of my favorite bands (if you don't adore them already!) - GHOST. They have been around for several years and for many of those years, the band has been fronted by a different front man known as Pap...
aspects such as spectral patterns, recurring beats, and correlations between frequency bands. An example of strategy (2) is to create a low-dimensional i-vector representation from the Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), which model musical timbre to some extent [56]. To this end, a ...