Current transformer selection guide Breaker choice Modular Tmax Emax Fixing system Installation choice DIN rail Rated current (A) Rated current choice CTA 5 CTA/5 10 CTA/10 15 CTA/15 20 CTA/20 25 CTA/25 40 CTA/40 (cl. 0.5) 50 CTA/50 (cl. 0.5) 60 CTA/60 (cl. 0.5) 80 CTA/80 ...
SELECTION GUIDETypeLZCK2500-10LZCK2500-10PurposeMeasuring current transformerProtection current transformerRatioAccuracy class and rated load(VA)Accuracy class and rated load(VA) I1/I2 0.5 1 3 10P15 10P10 10P5 300/5 5 5 5 2.5 5 7.5 400/5 5 5 5 2.5 5 7.5 500/5 ...
The meaning of CURRENT TRANSFORMER is a transformer whose primary carries the whole of an alternating current to be measured or controlled and whose secondary is connected to a measuring or control device.
Figure 1: OTS current transformer selection flow chart The Input Specifications The selection of a current transformer must begin with the definition and verification of certain factors such as size, frequency, function, and the range of current being sampled – the accuracy and effectiveness will...
Selection guide Modelo Rango de corriente nominal primaria Rango de carga nominal Apertura (mm) Descripción (mm) Peso (kg) LVZCK-36 100-600A ≤10VA Φ36 128×120×84 1.2 LZCK-36 100-1000A ≤10VA Φ36 128×120×84 1.5 LZCK-55 100-1250A ≤10VA Φ55 180×138...
IECTR60787:2007EN-FRApplicationguidefortheselectionofhigh-voltagecurrent-limitingfuse-linksfortransformercircuits的主要内容是关于如何根据变压器的具体参数和应用环境来选择合适的高压限流熔断器熔断丝。它提供了以下方面的详细解释和指导: 1.熔断器的基本原理和作用:它解释了熔断器是如何在电路中起到保护作用的,特别是...
The load wire to be measured is passed through the opening in the center of the current transformer. Example: A CT with a ratio of 500:5 means that a 500 ARMS load on the main line will result in an output of 5 ARMS on the CT secondary. The instrument will measure 5 ARMS at the...
Selection guide MODEL ACCURACY PRIMARY CURRETNT AMMETER (0-6A) TIMER POWER INJECTION CURRENT TIME DIMENSION(W×D×H) (mm) WEIGHT REMARK TEST-901 0.50% 0-1100A YES YES 5KVA 1000A: 2-3min;500A:3-6min 430×260×260 25KG Integrated structure TEST-902 0.50...
Current transformer Rogowski coil DC capable Yes Yes No No Current measured A mA to A A to kA A to MA Output Analog Analog or digital Analog: signal conditioning required (filter, gain) Analog: signal conditioning required (integrator, filter, gain) Bandwidth Up to 1MHz Up to 1MHz...