Current transfer 第1个很好理解,就是我们通常说的进出口贸易,goods的话,能源、矿产、材料、成品都算,services的话比如出国旅游时购买国外航空的机票,预定酒店等等。第2个income有两种,一种是在本国工作的外国人将工资转去外国或是在外国工作的本国人把工资转回来;另一种是跨国的投资收到的回报,...
There is no quid pro quo between the two parties involved in the transfer. The two main types of current transfers are general government transfers, which are conducted between governments of two countries, and other sector transfers, such as those involving worker remittances or premiums associated...
current account包含进出口 买机器又是进口,因此算current account capital account里包含证券投资、直接投资等。至于为什么不属于current 的账户——它不是实物吧=。= .Current accounts are known as the balance of international dealings of currently produced goods and services. A current account is...
Google Share on Facebook a wheel dipping into the water and driven by the current of a stream or by the ebb and flow of the tide. See also:Current Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
Noun1.current account- that part of the balance of payments recording a nation's exports and imports of goods and services and transfer payments accounting- a system that provides quantitative information about finances balance of international payments,balance of payments- a system of recording all ...
It shows the aggregate volume of economic transactions of an economy made between the economy and the rest of the world. It is also termed as the balance of international payments that consists of imports and exports of products, services, and capital. It also...
Current capital is the liquid financial assets that a company has on hand to manage the day to day operations of the company...
The maincategories of the balance of paymentare the current account, the capital account, and the financial account. How Is the Current Account Balance Calculated? The current account is calculated by finding the balance of trade and adding it to net earnings from abroad and net transfer payments...
Target balances resemble not only the ISA balances of the US Federal Reserve System but also the special drawing rights of the IMF, Keynes' bancor currency, Soviet transfer rubles, stocks of foreign currency in fixed exchange rate systems and the sovereign wealth portfolio accumulated by the ...