Veterans Affairs Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, Nashville, TN, USA Anna Bradley Contributions AB and SJ jointly wrote the main manuscript and compiled the list of references. AB prepared Table 1. AB provided supervision and oversight for SJ and edited the final product. Corresponding author Cor...
Shorthand notation used: Type Real/Synthetic; Cameras Grayscale/Color/FishEye/Thermal/Polarization/Event/MultiSpectral/Depth; Daytime Morning/Day/Sunset/Night; Location City/Indoor/Outdoor/Region/Traffic (left/right-handed), † indicates that the cities/regions considered belong to the same state, ...
building a large botnet. The second phase is launching the attack itself. Large volumes of traffic are generated by the zombies and are forwarded to the target system to overload it. The distributed nature of the source of traffic make it nearly impossible to distinguish from legitimate traffic...
Large volumes of traffic are generated by the zombies and are forwarded to the target system to overload it. The distributed nature of the source of traffic make it nearly impossible to distinguish from legitimate traffic. Earlier, attackers had to perform each step of the attack manually. This...