A library of imaginary books. Our Lord and Savior, Dracula. Was this “protecting” or “serving”? An empire rapidly descending into madness. Another cop demonstrating exactly what he is. Google should adopt the motto, “Don’t be stupid”. ...
According to a police report, two Christian men in Jaranwala were arrested and charged for desecrating the holy Quran and abusing Prophet Mohammed. The two men were books under Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. The crowd also vandalized multiple churches, including the town’s Catholic Church, the Salva...
Sunday, July 21, 2013, Bower Center, Bedford, VA Book discussion between Betsy Ashton, author of Mad Max, Unexpected Consequences and Judy with Forty Thorns. We will discuss the aspects of strong heroes and heroines in our books and in society past and present. Lots of audience interaction, ...
Although I have to confess that my sister and I went to Parc Asterix in Paris when we were young, and that was quite fun and not overly commercial from memory. We chose Parc Asterix over Eurodisney…after all, we had read our Asterix books all over France, and visited the site of Ver...
Let JESUS know. Munich means “Monk”; Order out of Chaos is the motto of 33 degree (Sovereign) Freemasonry; 2016 is the Summer of Chaos. “I get on my knees and pray, we won’t get fooled again” The Who; referring to Esau being tricked into selling his Birthright to Jacob. NDAA...
In Nashville in March 2023, a shooter fired 152 shots inside a Christian elementary school, killing six: three 9-year-olds and three adults. Early in May, a man killed eight at a Texas outlet mall. Two mass shootings took place in California within a two-day period. Eleven lay dead, ...
to heal emotional scars than to restore buildings and replant trees but even without any obvious animosity, there was an air of unease, possibly aided by the sight of a used syringe on the ground near our waiting bus or maybe just a side effect of my first visit to a non-Christian ...
20% of top e-commerce websites lack thematic filters, despite selling products with obvious thematic attributes (season, style, etc). Of those websites that deal with compatibility-dependent products, 32% lack compatibility filters (for example, selling smartphone cases without a filter for device...
The purpose of the steeple I was told was to show distant travellers that there was human habitation here, a civilised Christian place, were shelter could be found in a storm. At the entrance to the church, at the lych gate were two ancient yews. Planted we were told to provide yew ...
14. What religion are you?Was raised a Pentecostal Christian. I am now as an adult practicing Spiritual Principles. 15. Last book you read?7 Habbits Of Highly Effective People. 16. What is your favorite meal?Sushi 17. Large steppin’ set or a small local one?I’m in the middle, mid...