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pre-defined time intervals through spectral analysis [42], which has flexibility in the time interval for analyzing GV, thus fitting better in the individual clinical scenario. More recently, time in range (TIR) was defined as the percentage of time in which individuals could maintain their gluco...
29. Medeiros MFST, Garcia LG: O consumo e as estratégias de caça utilizadas pelas populações tradicionais da Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes. Interações 2006, 3:121-134. 30. Fuccio H, Carvalho EF, Vargas G: Perfil da caça e dos caçadores no estado do Acre, Brasil....
This is facilitated by a protective layer of polymers and hydrogels that provides structure support over time, while minimizing immune reactions to the implant.54,55 For instance, thin film alkaline metals such as Mg and Ca have been widely used as the conductive component of resorbable ...
Vaca, M. Chico, et al. A novel, multi-parallel, real-time polymerase chain reaction approach for eight gastrointestinal parasites provides improved diagnostic capabilities to resource-limited at-risk populations Am J Trop Med Hyg, 88 (2013), pp. 1041-1047 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [...
traditional image recognition technology and image recognition technology based on deep learning. These two types of technologies have been widely used in the three fields of metal, coating, and electrochemical data images. A large amount of work has been carried out to identify defects in metals ...
T[6h3i]s. aTrhraisy aarnrateynannatecnanna bcaenabne eaxnceexllceenlltencht ochicoeicfeofrorfuftuutureremmuultlitpiplele--iinnppuutt--mmuullttiippllee--ooutput ((MMIIMMOO)) bbeeaammffoorrmmiinnggbbaasseessttaattioionnaapppplilcicaattiioonnss..PPaarraassiittiiccssttrriippssaarreeuusseed...,lFistaoicenosenvFoosnideoncivnlsF.dstkicscsnv.nidiniigrktdhgn.c.ittkisIyltcgstrheicttIdhgopl.nyuehtbuIltpetryhuntohcbeopnycueahbsut,oheeretlchoesreahotuaehseeooeraeclmttcieheeaiotcrcmaerntfhieeerd...
yhaahaureruielaaial,acco,NomNmueuppverroivissoeeLddeLoetthnhoe,enT,nnaoTomrartmhtahueaerluinrpnliaapsnaa,dnsSd,caSencnaentLnrautLlriusapliaPsproPtatooortftsoiMo,sfiJe,aMxlJiiascelcoixosia,ccnooQd, uaQiennurdceelturaiendrtocea,ldruoHdt,hieHdedaSildtgthaaotelegasSonotdaaftneds MMichicohao...
To obtain the precise polarization potential, the current step method was proposed, and the potential-time response and substance concentration were analyzed [16]. On this basis, some researchers [17–20] tested the IR drop in various environments using the current interrupt method and subtracted ...