Current local time in China – Beijing Municipality – Beijing. Get Beijing's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Beijing's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Beijing time (UTC/GMT+08:00):21:33:11 Thursday, March 6, 2025Country: China Time zone abbreviation: CST Time zone name: China Standard Time Time offset: UTC/GMT+08:00 Observe DST: NoSee alsoChina time Hong Kong time Time calculators...
Current time zone:+08:00 - +08:00+8 hours Sun The timing of sunrise and sunset is calculated with respect to Beijing location as they are observed at sea level. Viewer may notice a few minutes difference depending on actual longitude and latitude, altitude, and local landscape. ...
Country: China State: Beijing Municipality (BJ) Type: Populated Place Lat/Long: 39°38'N / 115°55'E Currency: Renminbi Yuan (CNY) Languages: Chinese Also known as: Wa-ching, Wajing, wa jing, 瓦井°C Weather 14 °C Haze.19 / 6 °C 星期二 11. 20 / 5 °C 星期三 12. 18 /...
China Standard Time (CST),UTC+8 Wikipedia:Time in China,Beijing Time difference, hrs. London-8 2 0 1 9 New York-12 1 6 1 9 Tokyo1 0 5 1 9 Compare other Time Zones Holidays and celebrationstoday International Bagpipe Day International Wig Day ...
Add China to my favorites!Bookmark this location to check the time and temperature with forecast and current weather conditions in Beijing Shi, China before making travel plans for a hotel or flight to Beijing Shi, China Whether is it rainy or sunny, chilly or warm, you'll know before you...
Add China to my favorites!Bookmark this location to check the time and temperature with forecast and current weather conditions in Beijing Shi, China before making travel plans for a hotel or flight to Beijing Shi, China Whether is it rainy or sunny, chilly or warm, you'll know before you...
Standard Time Zone:GMT/UTC + 08:00 hour Daylight Saving Time:DST not applied Beijing. Map of location See other cities ofChina View travel resources forBeijing DST- Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) GMT- Greenwich Mean Time UTC- Coordinated Universal Time ...
Compare Time Difference Between 2 Cities Calculate Distance Between 2 Cities Meeting Planner Tool Facts Country Capital Currency Beijing International dialing code +86 (China) How to dial to China? am pm24 No locations to compare Please use the search above to add locations ...
Compare Time Difference Between 2 Cities Calculate Distance Between 2 Cities Meeting Planner Tool Facts Country Capital Currency Beijing International dialing code +86 (China) How to dial to Zhongzhai? am pm24 22Thu / 2324252627 Zhongzhai, ChinaCST ...