Mother Nature – the real one, not the one you keep seeing on those so-called ‘Network News’ shows (Fox Forever, Booh Yah!) has provided us with the ideal combination of timber weakening prolonged drought followed by the just ended torrential rainy season here in the West. All adding up...
Sustainable Forest Management Beyond the Timber-Oriented Status Quo: Transitioning to Co-production of Timber and Non-wood Forest Products—a Global Perspective Article Open access 13 January 2020 Testing the Applicability and Credibility of the High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit: A Syste...
Provisioning UES accounts for 7.4%, which covers the consumptive use of urban greenery. These services involve the provision of firewood, medicinal plants, craft materials, timber, and peat. Providing food sources, including leafy vegetables, mushrooms, and edible insects often cultivated through roofto...