"current thread is not owner"错误详解 1. 错误信息含义 "current thread is not owner"这一错误信息通常出现在Java程序中,特别是与线程同步相关的操作中。它表明当前线程尝试调用某个对象的wait(), notify(),或 notifyAll()方法时,并未持有该对象的锁。具体来说,这些方法必须在对象的同步块(synchronized块)内...
线程中的current thread not owner异常错误 多线程常用的一些方法: wait(),wait(long),notify(),notifyAll()等 这些方法是当前类的实例方法, wait() 是使持有对象锁的线程释放锁; wait(long)是使持有对象锁的线程释放锁时间为long(毫秒)后,再次获得锁,wait()和wait(0)等价; notify() 是唤醒一个正在等待该...
current thread is not owner问题 看了网上得相应的解释,我发现网上大部分说的是要把wait和notifyAll放到一个大括号里,但是我找了找,我的问题不是这个 因为这两个方法需要获得锁,而我锁的是 synchronized(list) 而我的wait方法只是用了wait方法,正确的使用应该是list.wait(),下面是整个的代码 全部代码...
Running load tests on our application using Oracle JDK 1.7.0-05 (Linux x86-64) and Hazelcast 2.2 got the following error: java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException: Current thread is not owner of the lock! at com.hazelcast.impl.MProxyImpl$M...
Caused by: org.mule.runtime.api.exception.MuleRuntimeException: org.mule.runtime.deployment.model.api.DeploymentInitException: IllegalMonitorStateException: Current thread is not owner of the lock! -> <not-locked> Caused by: org.mule.runtime.deployment.model.api.DeploymentInitException...
根据您提供的信息,"ownerThread current state is WAITING"通常表示线程正在等待某个资源,但是该资源当前...
论坛首页 / 昇腾 / MindX应用使能 / FileUtils.cpp:452] owner id diff: current process user id is 1000, file owner id is 0最早发布 只看楼主 显示10 1 烤鸡翅膀 帖子 9 回复 12 FileUtils.cpp:452] owner id diff: current process user id is 1000, file owner id is 0 ...
You can confirm that you are the original owner of the account to this secure website with:https://us.battle.net/support/en/security 分享7赞 股票吧 vlain_2003 问问这些都是股市中的什么意思Market : default=Mainboard, s=SESDAQ, c=CLOB International,e=ETF Rmk : Susp=Suspended, PL=Pending...
JDK-6976372 : # assert(_owner == Thread::current()) failed: invariantType: Bug Component: hotspot Sub-Component: compiler Affected Version: hs19 Priority: P4 Status: Closed Resolution: Fixed OS: solaris_9 CPU: sparc Submitted: 2010-08-11 Updated: 2011-03-08 Resolved: 2011-03-08...