We acknowledge the support provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), University of Waterloo, Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology, and Xijiang R&D Team (X.W.). We thank Dr. Qunfeng Xiao from Soft X-ray Microcharacterization Beamline (SXRMB) of Canadian...
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Waterloo, H.P. Broers, B.M. van Breukelen A model-based assessment of the potential use of compound-specific stable isotope analysis in river monitoring of diffuse pesticide pollution Hydrol Earth Syst Sci, 17 (2013), pp. 4505-4524 Google Scholar A stable isotope sources and sinks model ...
Kjaergaard M, Arfwedson Wang CE, Waterloo K, Jorde R: A study of the psychometric properties of the Beck depression Inventory-II, the montgomery and Asberg depression rating scale, and the hospital anxiety and depression scale in a sample from a healthy population. Scand J Psychol. 2014, 55...