Potential growth rate of an economy – if people expect more growth = higher incomes = higher borrowing = upward pressure on neutral rates. Economists tend to look at the production function and how much we can produce in the long-run therefore impacting aggregate supply. With higher potential ...
Introducing quotas could lead to faster learning rates and thus sooner economic operation. Lifting the strain on virgin material could also entail, for instance, lower levels of local pollution during extraction. Potential benefits of this proposal depend on the status-quo extraction practices and ...
For example, one database may cite the price including pharmacy mark-up and value-added tax, while another may cite the ex-factory price (i.e. amount paid to the manufacturer). Some databases give prices at multiple points in the supply chain – in these cases, the price closest to the...
Current LiteratureJournal of Forestry
Total value may change at checkout depending on the total product and shipping cost, details on the estimation please ","linkText":"check here","messageEnd":"."},{"countryList":"JPN","messageStart":"This estimated consumption sales tax is based on the product price. Total value may ...
Once the Administration starts on a shelter-building program it has to accept the principle of equality. A federal grand jury has indicted the Communist party for failing to register under the Internal Security Act of 1950.America
These inflows, in turn, affect exchange rates, inflation, and broader economic stability in these importing countries. Our findings support previous studies, such as Pesaran et al. [41], which highlight the importance of global linkages in analyzing macroeconomic responses to external shocks. More...