UTC:18:35:46 Updated:Jan-11-2025 12:35pm Dew Point:33.0°F Alerts Date: Jan-11-2025 Saturday Day of Year: 11 Days Left: 354 Sunspots Yesterday Meadville 46°F 61% CBI: 7 LOW U.S. Current Surface Maps Alaska Surface Map Pacific Surface Map...
Surface Map images courtesy of Weather Channel. Updated: @ 01/23/25 19:08:47 - updated sec ago Summary / Temperature Wind Rain Outlook Clear 22.2°F Uncomfortably Cold Feels like: 22°F 24-hr difference 7.8°F TodayYesterday High: 31.6°F 2:49pm 24.3°F 3:32pm Low: 7.3°F 4...
Weather Underground Current Conditons and Forecast (Live) Yesterday's Climatological Report MesoWest Surface Weather Maps for Aroostook County, Maine MesoWest Historical (Archived) Data and Station Information Hourly Weather Conditions Report (for the previous 48 hours) ...
Wind Shear:I knew going into the event days before that wind shear was going to be well beyond supportive for severe weather. Wind shear in this sense is defined as the wind speed difference between the surface and 1 kilometer in altitude. I looked in the lowest 1 kilometer of the atmosph...
Section 2 provides the theoretical basis for retrieving the LST from satellite TIR data and briefly discusses some major difficulties in LST retrieval from space measurements, including: (i) the coupling of the LST, the land surface emissivity (LSE) and the atmosphere; (ii) the physical meaning...
Land surface models have an increasing scope. Initially designed to capture the feedbacks between the land and the atmosphere as part of weather and climate prediction, they are now used as a critical tool in the urgent need to inform policy about land-use and water-use management in a world...
In order to assess the potential impact of Sanders' suggested analysis technique, maps of surface potential temperature and its gradient have been produced in the University at Albany maproom since November 1998 and can be found on the world wide web at: http://www.atmos.albany.edu/das/data...
The Leeuwin Current has elevated levels of mesoscale eddy variability compared with eastern boundary current regions in the other oceans (see the map of surface EKE in Figure 14.16). Both anticyclonic (warm-core) and cyclonic (cold-core) rings are shed by the Leeuwin Current from preferential ...
The increased CDD is sign of drought in the future which increases evaporation from water bodies and transpiration from plants, reducing surface water. Generally, the observed and projected rainfall extreme changes on subbasin have direct and indirect impact on agriculture, water resource and country ...
Collier, C. G., 2006: The impact of urban areas on weather.Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc.,132, 1–25,https://doi.org/10.1256/qj.05.199. ArticleGoogle Scholar Cui, Y. Y., and B. De Foy, 2012: Seasonal variations of the urban heat island at the surface and the near-surface and ...