EBSCO_bspFdch Regulatory Intelligence Database
2020 on the invitation of Defence Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu to attend the 75th Anniversary of Victory Day Parade and to strengthen the longstanding special and privileged strategic partnership between India and Russia.
Windsor, Katrin | Director, Strategic Partnerships - Pearson Knowledge Technologies Wing, Arthur | President & Vice Chairman - Little Giant Ladder Systems Wing, Douglas | COO - Little Giant Ladder Winkler, Paula | CIO - Carlson Hotels Winsett, Stacy | VP HR - The Americas - Gates Corporation ...
Internal Revenue Service audit of any of our cross border transactions; adverse changes in general business conditions in any of the countries in which we do business; changes in size and structure; the effectiveness of management and our strategic relationships; ability to attract and retain key p...
US Strategic Petroleum Reserve reaches current capacity limit.Jones, Dow
Administration has no plans to use SPR to blunt current oil price spike. (Strategic Petroleum Reserve)Music, Kimberley
Weeden, Scott L
Music, Kimberley