1、常见的sci期刊的current status (1)submitted to Journal稿件提交 (2)Manuscript received by Editorial Office/submission incomplete投稿成功/稿件退回给作者 (3)With editor稿件被分配 (4)Reviewers assigned选好审稿人 (5) Under review审稿人正在审稿 (6)Review completed审稿人提交报告 (7)Evaluating Recommendat...
1、常见的sci期刊的current status (1)submitted to Journal稿件提交 (2)Manuscript received by Editorial Office/submission incomplete投稿成功/稿件退回给作者 (3)With editor稿件被分配 (4)Reviewers assigned选好审稿人 (5) Under review审稿人正在审稿 (6)Review completed审稿人提交报告 (7)Evaluating Recommendat...
sci期刊在投稿过程中,作者通常会通过在线系统了解到文章的current status,这个状态反映了稿件的不同阶段。以下是sci期刊常见的current status及其含义:Submitted to Journal - 提交稿件Manuscript received by Editorial Office/submission incomplete - 稿件已接收/不完整投稿With editor - 分配给编辑Reviewers ...
1. Submitted to Journal 刚提交的状态 2. Manuscript received by Editorial Office 就是你的文章到了编辑手里了,证明投稿成功 3. With editor 如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态/ ...
论文投了近十天,Current Status还一直是Submitted to Journal,说明啥问题? jklu 2012-10-29 09:57 小木虫论坛-学术科研互动平台 » 学术交流区 » 论文投稿 » 投稿求助 » 论文投了近十天,Current Status还一直是Submitted to Journal,说明啥问题?
如题,已经发了将近一个月了,状态还是提交到杂志? 按照常理推测,我的文章是到现在是编辑都没看还是编辑看了通过已经发给专家,等待专家答复啊??? 急啊,就担心拖了几个月最后告诉你被拒了,浪费我时间哈! 第一次投稿,求大神指点! 返回小木虫查看更多分享...
10 days ago, I submitted a manuscript to a Taylor & Francis journal. The status is showing as "submitted to journal" but the manuscript ID has not been assigned yet. The journal homepage indicates that it takes 6 days for the first decision from...
I submitted a manuscript to an Elsevier journal and received comments from two reviewers. After one week, I submitted my revised manuscript, responding to all reviewers’ comments. The day I submitted the revised version, the status was ‘With Editor'. Now, more than one ...
Current status and future direction of interventional neuroradiology, the official journal of the world federation of interventional and therapeutic neuroradiology. Interv Neuroradiol. 2009; 15 :259–265. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ]Kim JK, Yang SH, Young PS, Suh DC. Current status and ...
aAfter completing the submission process, the corresponding author may view the current status of a manuscript at any time by entering the ADS author system from the appropriate journal page. All active papers that were submitted by the corresponding author to the particular journal will be ...