2001. Current status of golden apple snail in the Ifugao Rice Terraces, Philippines. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, USA. (in press)R. C. Joshi, M. S. Delacruz, E. C. Martin et al., "Current status of the golden apple snail in the Ifugao rice Terraces, Philippines," Journal of...
China, Thailand, Pakistan and Mexico (FAO-Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations2020). The country has 404 sugar, flex-ethanol and distillery plants (sugarcane mills) and approximately 70,000 growers (UDOP-União Nacional da Bioenergia2020; UNICA-União Indústria de Cana-de-A...
Iceland, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Liechtenstein, Mauritius, Mexico, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, New Zealand, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Russian Federation, Kingdom of
An increased mechanization and the shift to groundwater irrigation across the country is pushing the pumping and tractor demand in the agriculture sector, and hence the large diesel and electricity demand. The penetration of electric vehicles and the fuel switch to electric and induction cook stoves ...
Statement of Buenos Aires in 2017. Since then, several new Members have joined the group and a tremendous amount of work has been done by our negotiators under the valued Chairmanship of Costa Rica. In particular, warm welcome to the Philippines and Bahrain who joined our negotiations most ...
We contribute to building this knowledge base by assessing the current status of incorporating food security concepts and metrics into agricultural systems models, particularly those developed for low-to-middle-income-country settings with significant populations engaged in agricultural production. We begin ...
Cost-utility analysis of empagliflozin for heart failure in the Philippines Precious Juzenda Montilla,Camilo Oliver Aquino,Elaine Cunanan,Patrick James Encarnacion,Helen Ong-Garcia,Elmer Jasper Llanes,Diana Dalisay Orolfo,Chito Permejo,Mary Joy Taneo,Anthony Russell Villanueva,Dante Salvador Jr.&John A...
An increased mechanization and the shift to groundwater irrigation across the country is pushing the pumping and tractor demand in the agriculture sector, and hence the large diesel and electricity demand. The penetration of electric vehicles and the fuel switch to electric and induction cook stoves...
Patil BP, Khan RM (2019) A conceptual study on the status of agriculture in India. In: Status of agriculture in India, pp 117–123 Google Scholar Qu W, Li J, Han G, Wu H, Song W, Zhang X (2019) Effect of salinity on the decomposition of soil organic carbon in a tidal wetland...
2. Current Status, Distribution, and Conservation of Honeybees in Cambodia In Cambodia, the four native species of honeybees each contribute uniquely to the local ecology and agriculture. Additionally, the introduction of Apis mellifera plays a crucial role modernizing the country’s beekeeping practic...