大类:Social Sciences 小类:Sociology and Political Science Q1 183 / 1466 87% 名词解释:CiteScore是基于Scopus数据库的全新期刊评价体系。CiteScore 2021 的计算方式是期刊最近4年(含计算年度)的被引次数除以该期刊近四年发表的文献数。CiteScore基于全球最广泛的摘要和引文数据库Scopus,适用于所有连续出版物,而...
大类:Social Sciences小类:Sociology and Political ScienceQ1183 / 1466 87% 名词解释: CiteScore:衡量期刊所发表文献的平均受引用次数。 SJR:SCImago 期刊等级衡量经过加权后的期刊受引用次数。引用次数的加权值由施引期刊的学科领域和声望 (SJR) 决定。
"Publishing sociological scholarship in all its diversities, Current Sociology over the years has become a trend setter for tracking new themes representing global contributions in the field of sociology and more generally within social sciences. A must read for all readers interested in global trends...
期刊投稿网址 https://www.evise.com/evise/faces/pages/login/login.jspx?resourceUrl=%2Ffaces%2Fpages%2Fnavigation%2FNavController.jspx%3FJRNL_ACR%3DCOCEBI%26 索引数据库:BIOSIS PREVIEWS; BIOSIS REVIEWS REPORTS AND MEETINGS; Current Contents-Life Sciences; SCI (Science Citation Index) ; SCIE (Scie...
JCR分区包括自然科学(Science Edition)和社会科学(Social Sciences Edition)两个版本。其中,JCR-Science涵盖来自83个国家或地区、约2000家出版机构的8500多种期刊,覆盖176个学科领域。JCR-Social Sciences涵盖来自52个国家或地区、713家出版机构3000多种期刊,覆盖56个学科领域。
JCR分区中期刊的数量是均匀分为四个部分的。 CiteScore 评价数据(2024年最新版) Current Issues In Criminal Justice杂志CiteScore 评价数据 CiteScore 值:3.1 SJR:0.378 SNIP:1.013 学科类别 分区 排名 百分位 大类:Social Sciences 小类:Law Q1 129 / 1025 87% citescoresCiteScore 数据趋势图2011年2012年...
出版周期:暂无数据 语言:English 研究方向:PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL《人格心理学的当前问题》(Current Issues In Personality Psychology)是一本以PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Termedia Publishing House出版商该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时...
Behavioral Sciences 中科院 3区 JCR Q2 运动与运动心理学杂志 Journal Of Sport & Exercise Psychology 中科院 3区 JCR Q2 网络心理行为与社交网络 Cyberpsychology Behavior And Social Networking 中科院 2区 JCR Q1 性格和个体差异 Personality And Individual Differences 中科院 2区 JCR Q1 亚洲社会心理学...
-Social Insects -Neuroscience -Vectors and Medical and Veterinary Entomology There is also a section that changes every year to reflect hot topics in the field. Section Editors, who are major authorities in their area, are appointed by the Editors of the journal. They divide their section into...
personality and social sciences, evolution, development and genetics, methodological, computational and translational advances. Current Research in Behavioral Sciences builds on Elsevier's reputation for excellence in scientific publishing. Expertise - Editors and Editorial Board bring depth and breadth of exp...