The BJD, which won 112 seats in the 147-member assembly in the recently concluded elections, held simultaneously with the Lok Sabha polls, has been in power in Odisha since 2000. BIMSTEC: Which stands for Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation is the ...
• Elections for 18 Rajya Sabha seats will be held on June 19, the Election Commission has said. The list includes 4 seats each from Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat, three each from Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, two from Jharkhand and one each from Meghalaya and Manipur. • The first phase...
However, the Rajya Sabha referred the bills to the Select Committee of the House for further scrutiny.News 83 - Railway Ministry inaugurated 'Vistadome' CoachesShri Prabhu dedicated Visatadome Coach and Laid Foundation stone for Mechanized Laundry under BOOT Model at Visakhapatnam. Vistadome coach ...
Sikkim: The state whose proposal for reservation of seats for Limboo and Tamang communities in Legislative Assembly is under consideration of the Government of India. Article 371F(f) and Article 332 of the Constitution of India govern reservation of seats in the Legislative Assembly of Sikkim and...
The Rajya Sabha passed the Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) Bill, 2016. Highlights of the Bill: The Bill amends the Enemy Property Act, 1968, to vest all rights, titles and interests over enemy property in the Custodian. The Bill declares transfer of enemy property by the enemy, co...