Barometer1031.67 mbAltimeter Pressure1030.97 mb Pressure Trend0.23 mbSteady Sun and Moon Sunrise08:09Sunset16:17 Dawn07:28Dusk16:57 Moonrise20:43Moonset09:51 Day Length08:08Length of Daylight09:29 Moon Age17 Day My Location LatitudeN 53° 39' 10"LongitudeW 00° 36' 49" ...
Local sea-level changes differ significantly from global-mean sea-level change as a result of (1) non-climatic, geological background processes; (2) atmosp
Informal forms of critique such as peer pressure and social ostracism have been observed to be effective mechanisms for deterring non-cooperative behavior in social transactions (Jensen 2010). Confronting the discontentment of fellow members results in an elevated degree of collaboration. Critics ought ...
Since July 2012 I have had the LX521 Monitors in my living room, in exactly the same location and with the same toe-in as the ORION-3.3 before. They appear to be smaller than the ORION even though they stand 2" taller. My wife and I like the look and without question we both like...
The variable cross-shore resolution allows improved bathymetric resolution over the continental shelf and minimizes horizontal pressure gradient (HPG) errors (Haidvogel et al., 2000; Haney, 1991; Mellor et al., 1994) over the steep topography of the continental slope, while reducing computational ...
The wind-induced sea surface height (SSH) is reduced in the subtropics, which leads a weaker meridional pressure gradient, weakening the NEC. The weakened tendency of the NEC is also confirmed by the tidal-gauge-based transport (figure not shown). Furthermore, Hadley cell in the Southern ...
This will quite clearly show the necessity of using data series of considerable length in order to obtain reliable probability statistics for meteorological parameters and oceanographic parameters which are chiefly governed by the wind conditions and/or sea level pressure....
Segur M (2014) Old solutions for today’s problems in the Urbión Model Forest. In: Katila P, Galloway G, de Jong W, Pacheco P, Mery G (eds) Forests under pressure: local responses to global issues, vol. 32, IUFRO World Series, p 561. Available at:
1b,d). We examine the evolution of sea surface temperature (SST) gradients away from the coast because SST fronts have been shown to be good proxies for the location of the upwelling jet in the California Current System and in other Eastern Boundary Current Systems5,21,22,23,24. ...
Fig. 1. Location and map of Atoyac River basin showing the surface water drainage, the four selected zones, and the sampling sites of water and bed sediments. Additional to the high pressure exerted by the agricultural practices, the most pervasive and consistent concerns causing the major river...