A membership policy similar to Costco's, combined with an inconvenient suburban location, ultimately led to Metro's oblivion among Chinese consumers. In October 2019, Metro announced the sale of a majority stake in its China business to the Beijing-based retail group. The case of Metro also ...
I had a standing prescription at Costco for three months worth, but when I called at that time, they said it had been on backorder for some time. I wondered then if that was a result of the epidemic in China, for I’d heard that that China manufactures the components of lot of our...
bigger, better home—or even a similar home—is financially out of reach for so many Americans is the driving force behind the mortgage-rate lock-in effect,” the analysis said. “Nearly all homeowners have a mortgage rate below today’s level, contributing to a shortage of homes for sale...
You can still get them at Costco (here in San Diego anyway, 20" G5 for $1499). Also Costco here just started celling the Mac Mini with everything but a monitor for $699 (PPC with mouse and keyboard). Really? Which Costco in particular did you see these being sold at?
Here come the fake and wanna-be Apple elitist complaining about Apple items being sold in Wal-Mart and saying Wal-Mart is for poor or "lower" people. I don't shop at Wal-Mart - I'm a Target/Costco man, but WM is the#1retail store in the country and that means dollars. ...
Refurb Mac Pro 4 Core 16GB Ram 256GB SSD $1800 (owc - 1 yr Apple warranty), $350 48” 4K TV (Costco - I got a Samsung but it’s out of stock...Vizio or TCL), $310 iPad (Apple edu), iPad keyboard case (amazon - varies)Set for anything over the next 4 years for under $...
I saw your responses and I frankly dismiss your reference to COSTCO. COSTCO is not a bookstore. Not even close. Their selection, while appropriate for a warehouse store, is nonexistent and I have yet to buy anything there because I have yet to see anything there worth buying...
I have the one in the middle, got it for about $25 at Costco with a coupon and now kick myself for not getting a couple of them - it charges my iPhone 2 and a half times and beats the crap out of one of the iPhone specific chargers I have that shall remain un-named...