In anchor-free environments, where no devices with known positions are available, the error growth of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) localization and target tracking is unbounded due to the lack of references and the accumulated errors in inertial measurements. This paper aims to improve the ...
Although there were no maps, no teams, and - surpisingly - no hats, we had Soldiers wielding Rocket Launchers. Today, players who own Quake IV will have the chance to satisfy their nostalgia with the Original Rocket Launcher, built with the help of id software. The TF2 Team would also...
Prosocial Tendency Measure Please rate the following descriptions according to your own situation. 1 means completely disagree, 2 means somewhat disagree, 3 means not sure, 4 means somewhat agree, 5 means completely agree. Rights and permissions Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or...
Although there were no maps, no teams, and - surpisingly - no hats, we had [[Soldier (Classic)|Soldiers]] wielding [[Rocket Launcher (Classic)|Rocket Launchers]]. Today, players who own ''[[Quake IV]]'' will have the chance to satisfy their nostalgia with the [[Original]] Rocket...
The most common clasp assemblies being taught with the RPI clasp assembly are RPA clasp assembly, combination clasp with a mesial rest, and combination clasp with a distal rest. 3.7. Location of Undercut for I-Bar to Engage (Question 7) When using I-bars, thirty-two schools (82.1%) ...
(by Rpi microphones) from five Carniola honeybee colonies, of which two were strong colonies, two were weaker, and one colony was queenless with the lowest bee population. It was determined that NN and SVM were the optimal alternatives due to their efficient classification time and excellent ...
(RPI). Based on the RPI, the water quality of these 58 sampled springs was mainly non-/mildly polluted (26 springs, 44.8%) and lightly polluted (23 spring, 39.6%), and nine (15.5%) springs were moderately polluted. However, when applied to springs, the RPI may intensify the pollution ...
Int. 2023, 30, 26596–26612. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Parsad, M.N.V.; Favas, P.J.C.; Vithanage, M.; Mohan, S.V. Industrial and Municipal Sludge Emerging Concerns and Scope for Resource Recovery, 1st ed.; Butterworth-Heinemann Publishing: Oxford, UK, 2019; 816p. [Google ...
Surpi, A.; Shelyakova, T.; Murgia, M.; Rivas, J.; Piñeiro, Y.; Greco, P.; Fini, M.; Dediu, V.A. Versatile magnetic configuration for the control and manipulation of superparamagnetic nanoparticles. Sci. Rep. 2023, 13, 5301. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Wei, H.; Hu, Y.;...
The water demands were calculated based on the per capita water consumption rate, which includes the population growth and the agricultural water requirement in the catchment. The reference scenario analysis developed was based on the assumption that if there were no changes in the water supply ...