Accuenergy is a trusted provider of energy measurement instruments for commercial, residential and industrial facilities.
In the early stages the founders of Accuenergy understood entering the 21st century technology was the catalyst that would push energy demand growth to be more sustainable and efficient. The world was entering the digital age that would connect both technology and people together in ways never possi...
Privacy | Terms & Conditions North America, Canada, Unit 170 - 422, Richards Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 2Z4 Asia, Hong Kong, Suite 820,8/F., Ocean Centre, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Copyright © 2025 MiniTool® Software Limited, All Rights Rese...
Much like the Energizer Bunny; she kept going and going and going. “The Eras Tour” culminated on December 11 in Vancouver, British Columbia after 149 dates, spanning five continents over nearly two years, which grossed an estimated $2 billion in ticket sales, doubling the record set by Col...
One Belt One Road aka Silk Road Initiative is a continuation of the Mongol and Huns “Golden Horde”; the US is not part of it but North and South Korea is. The takeover of the United States will be nearly instantaneous; China in particular is at the Seattle-Vancouver border. Trump cla...
Submissions are now closedand were invited until September 2021. For further information,please contact the Editors. Vancouver’s Alcohol Knowledge Exchange: lessons learned from creating a peer-involved alcohol harm reduction strategy in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside...
weight, the stability and drive characteristics are altered, requiring more driver care, especially in high-wind areas, wet or slippery road conditions, tight curves and rough roads or uneven roads. Road handling can be an issue when a truck camper is mounted on a truck with light suspension....
Retention of microplastics in a major secondary wastewater treatment plant in Vancouver. Canada Mar Pollut Bull. 2018;133:553–61. Article CAS Google Scholar Hidayaturrahman H, Lee TG. A study on characteristics of microplastic in wastewater of...
Datasheet SPLIT-CORE CURRENT TRANSFORMERS AcuCT R Series Revenue grade, IEC 61869-2 Class 0.5s split-core AC current transformer with multiple window sizes & many output rating choices including 80mA, 333mV, & 5A. Use on services from 5A-5000A (depending on model). Split-core form factor...
Now, if you let a pothole grow and grow, next thing you have to do is replace the whole road…. Not a good idea. So we have to make sure we fix the potholes immediately!!! The Township utilizes a variety of techniques as part of its comprehensive pavement management program, in...