@mrehyunjae@hyjmre what update, please whisper to me ? 2024-12-01 16:39:12 @Official_CHIPAIStandby Mode: Whisper "standby," and JARVIS will quietly await your reactivation command, ensuring it's always there when you're ready but never intrusive. Error Handling: JARVIS is designed to nav...
What makes this crisis different from the previous European bank bailouts are the conditions the European Union has set. Due to circumstances unique to Cyprus, the European Union, led by Germany, has taken a harder line with the country A European Bailout Unlike Any Other The European Union...
“The quickest win,” the partners say, was repurposing the lightly-used tennis courts on Radnor Road in the Tredyffrin section of campus. They loved the “heart of Wayne” location – a stone’s throw from St. David’s Golf Club and close to multiple schools, campuses and country clubs....
The tendency of the cosmic process is to bring about the adjustment of the forms of plant life to the current conditions; the tendency of the horticultural process is the adjustment of the conditions to the needs of the forms of plant life which the gardener desires to raise. ...
[shows me a copy of a photograph of the bay]. AP: Oh, I see. ES: Nothing, you have to understand, nothingwas here, there was a little rim this wide [indicating with finger] along the back end along the beach – the road used to run right there .. AP: That’s Turtle Towers....
Sometimes though, the area of interest may not be accessed immediately, for example when a road accident causes heavy traffic jams upstream the arterial or when the emergency area is not accessible. Similar conditions may arise in an urban setting, where dense road networks sometimes add excessive...
Suddenly we discovered that most of the leaders of Hamas are a billionaires, some of them richer than President Trump with a net worth of four to S5 billion each, and that most of them do not live in Gaza. After Hamas started the war on October 7th, moving from its customary daily roc...
Conditions: Cloudy, calm, cold (35 to start, 45 at finish, approx.). Very little wind. Morning at the Tappan Zee (seen from the north) Note: I haven’t been able to find anything about the ghost ships of Haverstraw Bay during World War II. If you do, please let me know. I don...
“Nope, it's not near that hump by the access or the south point; it's past that and in the back bay,” I explained. “Huh,” was about all I heard in response. I replied, “Don't worry, we can move if it's dead. I just moved here, and it doesn't seem like the old ...
Those lawsuits still go on today! It is becoming blatantly obvious to me, that common sense is out the window and we are heading for a cliff if we stick to this road, but why does it still seem normal to so many?… Why do people listen to fear spreading exaggerated messages and ...