S. House of Representatives (Searchable) U. S. Code via Cornell LII U. S. Code, Title 1: General Provisions U. S. Code, Title 2: The Congress U. S. Code, Title 3: The President U. S. Code, Title 4: Flag and Seal, Seat of Government, and the States U. S. Code, Title 5...
DeGette, Diana | Congresswoman - U.S. House of Representatives Demchak, Jim | Managing Partner - Sandhurst Group Dempsey, Michael | CFO - Transpro Burgener Trucking Dendinger, Gayle | CEO - Cap Logistics Denna, Eric | CIO/Consult - CIO At Large Dennis, Jeff | Regional Manager - Managed ...
Born in 1961, WFP pursues a vision of the world in which every man, woman and child has access at all times to the food needed for an active and healthy life. The WFP is governed by an Executive Board which consists of representatives from member states. The WFP operations are funded ...
i.During the 15th International Congress on Archives in Vienna, Austria in 2004, over 2000 participants from 116 countries adopted the resolution requesting that the United Nations (UN) to designate a specific day to mark the importance and value of archives. ii.During the 2007 ICA Annual Genera...
After 11 years of development in the House of Representatives and half as many years of preparation in the Senate, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was enacted into law by Congress in 1966. The struggle to realize the new statute was particularly difficult in the House, and the Presiden...
In the matter ofSurk LLC v. Commissioner,[1]the Tax Court was presented with the question of basis computations related to an interest in a partnership. In a tax year that is now closed for assessment, the taxpayer mistakenly deducted losses that exceeded the limitation set forth in Internal...
t seem able to work together to solve problems. We are very attached to our rhetoric and our hobby horses. Which is why I’m making this a very personal appeal: Put down that hobby horse. Step away from the rhetoric. Demand that your public representatives do the same. Let San ...
A group of half a dozen influential American lawmakers has reintroduced an important legislation in the House of Representatives which seeks to advance the US-India strategic relationship. According to officials, the act if enacted, the legislation would ensure that the US State Department treat ...
The autonomous councils under the Sixth Schedule have elected representativesfor more decentralised governance of these tribal areas, but they havelimited legislative powers,do not have control over law and order, and have only limited financial powers. ...
The India edition of the Global Goals Jam 3.0 (GGJ) was successfully conducted from September 20 to 21 by the World University of Design (WUD). This year's theme focused on the growing issue of #eWaste. It is in-line with #SDG12 - Responsible consumption and ethical production. ...