147 SLB | 813 NGDP Solomon Islands National currency | Billions 1970-2010 0.0413 0.0463 0.0503 0.0534 0.0664 0.0654 0.0785 0.0916 0.1067 0.1399 0.1480 0.1650 0.1830 0.2040 0.2260 0.2400 0.2510 0.3040 0.3590 0.3880 0.5310 0.6040 0.7700 0.9380 1.208 1.455 1.681 1.842 2.042 2.168 1.938 2.007 2.184 2.359...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will unveil the new naval ensign (flag) for the Indian Navy in Kochi on September 2 on the sidelines of the commissioning of India’s first indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant at Cochin Shipyard Limited. Explained here is the significance of having a new naval ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone for the “world’s first CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) terminal” at Bhavnagar in Gujarat on September 29. About: This is a three-year-old project that is expected to infuse Rs 4,000 crore in developing the existing port infrastructure at...
at least in America “Land of the Amorites”. The date on the Ashlar Cube is coincident with 9 Av 2016 in a Satanic Jubilee Year, 50 years after the 1996-7 6-Day War, Capture of the Temple Mount and founding of the Church of Satan during the 6th Tetrad (4 consequetive Lunar Eclipse...