The European Union has voiced concern about low fertility as a major demographic challenge. If it stays at these low levels, the population quickly moves from growth to decline, which is already happening in Germany, despite immigration Europe is Divided Again: This Time It's Creditors vs Debtor...
Note: strategic location on major air and sea routes between North America and northern Europe; over 40% of the population resides within 60 miles of Dublin
This review of current research on refugees and asylum-seekers in Ireland was commissioned by the Northern Area Health Board (NAHB). The Health Services Research Centre at the Department of Psychology, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland conducted the study. The study team comprised Ms.Sarah Dela...
At the same time the demographical landscape is changing; with the 2011 census highlighting that Northern Ireland is now made up of minorities, as no one religious group constitutes more than 50 per cent of the population. Further, despite recent statistics suggesting that the situation is ...
The programme will promote population-based screening, treatment and follow-up for NCDs, and improve monitoring and evaluation. Patients will be equipped with knowledge and skills to self-manage their conditions. Another key aim of this programme is to reduce the equity gaps in reproductive and ...
In most of these countries, it is emerging as the primary foreign language encountered in schools, often displacing another language in the process (Crystal, 2003). In all, English has official or special status in at least 75 countries, estimated to have a combined population of more th...
Estimated Incidence and Prevalence of Metastatic Breast Cancer in Northern Ireland, 2009 to 2020 Sinead Teresa Hawkins, BSc; Amisha Ashok, MSc; Jackie M. Kelly, BSc; et al. This cohort study examines the incidence and prevalence of metastatic breast cancer in Northern Ireland using population-base...
The current study assesses the degree to which newspaper coverage of the most commonly occurring type of homicide-suicide event, femicide-suicide, adhere to existing suicide reporting recommendations by examining newspaper coverage ( n =143) of a population of femicide-suicide cases ( n =83) from...
Isolation and Poverty Loom for Asia's Aging Population Asia has one of the largest concentrations globally of aging persons, creating a host of potential challenges Philippines Starts War Games With United States as China Claims Territory Some 4,500 American troops and 2,300 Filipino troops will ...
Over half the population of England’s prisons in the 18th century were in jail because of debt. Run privately for profit, as were all English prisons until the 19th century, the Marshalsea looked like an Oxbridge college and functioned as an extortion racket. Not a fun place to reside: ...