CountryPopulation China1373.54 Billion India1266.88 United States324.00 Indonesia258.32 Brazil205.82 Pakistan202.00 Nigeria186.05 Bangladesh156.19 Russia142.36 Japan126.70 As we can see on data six most populated counties are in Asia lead by China as the most populated nation. The other 5 nations are Ind...
In recent decades, changes to Indonesia's government extension systems have been driven primarily by shifts in agricultural development policies, albeit with a continuing focus on rice self-sufficiency, by the 'autonomy' process and by budgetary constraints. Under these changes, the T and V system...
Presents several charts and graphs that show the economic, social and political conditions of Indonesia as of 2004, including average inflation rate, foreign direct investment, annual population growth and workforce distribution.EBSCO_bspPolitical Risk Yearbook: Indonesia Country Report...
Among the countries in Asia Japans population growth rate is low and will continue to decline and India also expects a growth slowdown. At the end of the century the net annual addition to the population of China will be 11.3 million 17.4 million to India and 6.5 million for Indonesia ...
However, currently the rapid population growth is threatening the traditional management system, creating conflicts among impoverished local households, and endangering the principle of ecosys- tem conservation. The Menz Guassa Community Conservation Area is critically important for both biodiversity ...
Definition and prevalence of anemia in Bolivian women of childbearing age living at high altitudes: the effect of iron-folate supplementation. for the diagnosis of anemia in Bolivian women of childbearing age living at high altitudes, and to estimate the prevalence of anemia in this population. ....
GDP Per Capita (Current) GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT PER CAPITA (MARKET PRICES) GDP per capita is gross domestic product at current market rates and divided by total population. The data is priced in United States dollars. Data source:World Bank, Washington D.C....
Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state, and one of the most spatially diverse nations on earth in its resource endowments, population settlements, location of economic activity, ecology and ethnicity. The regional socio-econ...
s Gross Domestic Product in terms of its population size. It gives economists an idea of how prosperous a country’s residents are.Per capitameans “per person.” Theformula for GDP per capita = GDP ÷ Population.Example: US GDP ($18,569,100,000,000)÷US Population (331,002,651) = ...
English: Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Portuguese: República Democrática de Timor-Leste Tetum: Repúblika Demokrátika Timor Lorosa’e Capital Dili Neighbors East Timor has one neighboring country: Indonesia Area 15,007 km2 Population 1,107,000 ...