Countrypopulation per sq km Greenland (Denmark)0.03 Falkland Islands (UK)0.21 Pitcairn Islands (UK)1.19 Mongolia1.92 Namibia2.56 French Guiana (France)2.65 Australia3.14 Iceland3.24 Suriname3.26 Mauritania3.36 We can say that geography isn’t fair. In New York City there are 10,725 people sharing...
Until the 1960s, the common snipe (Gallinago gallinago) breeding range in mainland Portugal apparently extended over the north of the country. A strong decline was denoted in the last decades, but no detailed study or monitoring program was ever implemented. Currently this breeding population is...
Reports on the economic conditions in France in 2004. Political fact sheet; Domestic economic indicators; International economic indicators; Social indicators; Regional real GDP growth; Regional inflation rates; Economic performance profile; Population; Work force distribution....
摘要: Reports on the economic conditions in France in 2004. Political fact sheet; Domestic economic indicators; International economic indicators; Social indicators; Regional real GDP growth; Regional inflation rates; Economic performance profile; Population; Work force distribution. 年份: 2005 收藏...
European Union: Caught in the Fertility Trap The European Union has voiced concern about low fertility as a major demographic challenge. If it stays at these low levels, the population quickly moves from growth to decline, which is already happening in Germany, despite immigration A Right and...
It is published by the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demo graphic Institute (NIDI, The Hague) together with the Flemish Population and Family Study Centre (CBGS, Brussels), with the purpose to inform an international audience on results of demographic research in Belgium and the Netherlands. The...
[Intestinal parasitoses in the prison population in the Madrid area (1991-1993)]. BACKGROUND: Intestinal parasitoses are frequent in populations in tropical and subtropical areas, HIV infection has favoured an increase in the prevalence ... M Alonsosanz,F Chaves,F Dronda,... - 《Enferm Infec...
Population * Persons | Govt revenue Natl currency | Govt revenue % of GDP Govt total expenditure Natl currency | Govt total expenditure * % of GDP Govt net lending/borrowing Natl currency | Govt net lending/borrowing % of GDP Govt structural balance Natl currency | Govt structural...
fatality rate was 6.60%.[Conclusion]The new cases of pneumoconiosis shows a gradual growth trend from 1960-1980,and decrease trend after year 2000.It is necessary to enhance dust hazard monitoring and risk control in coal industry,and improve health care system for the dust exposure population. ...
countries where populations are currently expanding37. Since its introduction in the 1930s in Hessen, Germany, the species has quickly dispersed to bordering countries, and other independent introduction events have also been reported. The raccoon was observed in France as early as 1934, in the Net...