The BJD, which won 112 seats in the 147-member assembly in the recently concluded elections, held simultaneously with the Lok Sabha polls, has been in power in Odisha since 2000. BIMSTEC: Which stands for Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation is the ...
Polls over the last few months had showed Biden struggling with several key voting blocs that are typically essential for Democrats to win en route to the White House — young voters included. Won’t PAC Down, which launched in early June and has raised over half a million...
Then on March 31, the Prime Minister will attend the two-day Fourth Nuclear Security Summit to be hosted by US President Barack Obama in Washington. Further, he will be visiting Saudi Arabia at the invitation of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud for a two-day visit. ...
nation primary this year. Voters in that state go to the polls on February 3. Biden's name appeared as a write-in candidate on 67 percent of the New Hampshire ballots cast. Coming in a distant second was Rep. Dean Philips (D–Minn.). Rare Gold Roman Arm Guard Intact Again 1,800 Ye...
I found it laughable that newspapers like The New York Times were determined to dismantle the monarchy, at a time when the United States (if the polls are any guide) is on the brink of civil war with the electorate split down the middle on the right-wing leaning U.S. Supreme Court, ...
Meanwhile, support for Harris among core Democratic constituencies is plummeting. In Michigan, for instance — the state with the largest Muslim population — some polls show Green Party candidate Jill Stein receiving40% of Muslim supportwhile only 12% back Harris. That’s a huge drop from 2020...
On this basis, traditionally, US networks have “called” each State for one Presidential candidate soon after polls closing, based on early counts or sometimes purely on exit polls (requests made to voters as they leave the booth to declare, usually by resubmitting the vote, how they voted ...
He has what appears to be a fairly weak electoral mandate, with less than 50% of the vote in an election that appears to have had relatively low turnout (the snowstorm in Tokyo yesterday likely kept many undecided voters from going to the polls today). Like his predecessor Inose, Masuzoe...
3.2.1 Software Description for Fault Detection The MSP430F5132 internal ADC polls a filtered signal. When a voltage greater than DC trip threshold is detected, the MSP430 enters a monitor mode. The highest and lowest readings determine whether a DC fault or AC fault has occurred. While in ... Subtract the polling bias from the last two presidential elections from the margin of Harris over Trump and she has reason to worry. Democrats seem to know that –“sleep when we’re dead”. ...