I found it laughable that newspapers like The New York Times were determined to dismantle the monarchy, at a time when the United States (if the polls are any guide) is on the brink of civil war with the electorate split down the middle on the right-wing leaning U.S. Supreme Court, p...
Judging by the public opinion polls, the events in Afghanistan, i.e., the withdrawal of American and NATO forces and the lightning-fast victory of the Tal- iban over the Afghan regular army, had a significant impact on the course of the election campaign. Trudeau had to address all these...
The Nepali Congress, under his leadership, emerged as the largest party during the second constituent assembly election in November 2014, from a distant second in the 2008 polls. News 8: Veteran director Aurobindo Mukherjee passes away Recently, veteran film-maker Aurobindo Mukherjee passed away at...
“Keeping electoral peace? Activities of United Nations peacekeeping operations and their effects on election-related violence.” Conflict Management and Peace Science preprint (2020b). (Open in a new window)Google Scholar Smith, Charles Anthony, and Heather M. Smith. “Human Trafficking: The ...
8–9, 2018, in Quebec, Canada. The Group of Seven (G7) is an informal grouping of seven of the world’s advanced economies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. The President of this year's G7 summit was Canadian Prime Minister, Justin ...
displaces dairy produced here in Canada, by Canadian farmers for Canadian consumers. This affects Canadian jobs and the livelihood of our farmers and their families. Our farmers have paid for the ability to produce that milk and now another portion of that has just been given away, and for ...
had just completed two terms. His presumptive successor, Hillary Clinton, was on the cusp of winning the presidency, which would likely mean eight more years of Dem dominance. She was comfortably ahead in all the pre-election polls. Apparently, she was going to be the first female president....