From performative anti-fascism to post-fascism: the Lega (Nord)’s political discourse in historical context George Newth & Marzia Maccaferri Pages: 175-199 Published online: 11 Nov 2022 AbstractforFrom performative anti-fascism to post-fascism: the Lega (Nord)’s political discourse in historical...
A political standoff looms in the Philippines as its executive and judiciary appears headed for a showdown over the departure of former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to seek medical treatment overseas United States Backs Philippines Stake in Spratlys ... is the digital edition of Current magazine in the Philippines. The first issue of Current was published in 2015, with famous actress Valerie Concepcion as its first cover. Four years later, several working Filipino journalists felt the need
political extremismneo-NazismIn the course of the nineties, the ideological equipment of the racist skinheads was repeatedly re-furbished. Starting from the original Czech nationalism, anti-German chauvinism and xenophobic racism pointed essentially against the Roma, they gradually borrowed...
Instead of continuing in the wrong direction, the Philippine side should return to the right path as soon as possible, with properly handling and managing the current maritime situation as a top priority, he said. Being neighbors separated by a strip of water, China and the Philippines should ...
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identified 17 goals to achieve by the year 2030, with many of these goals directly or indirectly li
Current-Issue Current Issues Updated October 20, 2024 Offshoots: Humanity Twigged Like the branches of a tree, the future of humanity could spread in many directions. Which one shall we follow? Third Flatiron’s new all-original science fiction/fantasy/horror/humor anthology,Offshoots: Humanity ...
(which, although it was fought primarily in the Caribbean, resulted in the US owning Guam and the Philippines; the US also annexed the Hawaiian islands that year, which was unrelated, but you have to wonder about the sudden desire of the US government to own islands located way the fuck ...
Even though the Islamic Imperial political unity was destroyed by the thirteenth century, the Islamic world virtually doubled by the sixteenth, expanding from the Middle East into the Mediterranean, Iran, South Asia, Central Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. It stretched from China and the Philippines ...
Furthermore, having a trauma history may also result in maladaptive coping behaviors and in the loss of human capital and financial capital, such as lost wages, creating detrimental long-term effects for both the individual and their family [8]. African Americans are more likely to experience ...