Our review of parking, specifically, reveals health pathways that are not commonly mentioned in these existing frameworks. For example, we found evidence that parking policies affect the affordability of housing, an important social determinant of health. In addition, while urban heat has been noted...
Reviewing the data security and privacy policies of mobile apps for depression. Internet Interv. 2019;15:110–5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.invent.2018.12.001. Article PubMed Google Scholar Reddy S, Allan S, Coghlan S, Cooper P. A governance model for the application of AI in health ...
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Ask Questions About the Company’s Policies Before Purchasing When you are considering a purchase from a CBD oil seller, it’s always important to ask questions about their policies before buying. It includes things like return policies, shipping information, and more. If you don’t feel comfort...
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To address perceived barriers of stigmatization of patients and personnel in the field and inadequate funding as cited by 59% and 51% of community pharmacists respectively, relevant policies should be formulated in addition to other policies that avoid controversies over roles within the healthcare tea...
This scoping review aimed to review the various challenges facing dental education. Dental education faces multiple institutional, student and faculty-based challenges. Institutional challenges include updating infrastructure resources, recruiting qualified faculty, and implementing administrative policies that enhan...
Social work, mental health, and public policy in diverse contexts Chinese and cross-cultural perspectives edited by Sheying Chen, Switzerland, Springer, 2023, 230 pp., £169.99 (Hardcover), ISBN 978-3-031-36311-5 Arvan Setiawan,Inagatha Setyarahma Pangastuti&Indra Fredika Kusuma ...
Social factors, including the quality of government intervention, are also major predictors of mental health problems as a reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. The prevalence of depressive symptoms was significantly lower in countries where governments promptly implemented stringent policies [67]. The ...