A phylogenetic tree of all of the GEMs reconstructed to date at the family level. GEMs for 434, 40, and 117 taxonomic families of bacteria (light blue), archaea (light purple), and eukarya (pink), respectively, are marked in the phylogenetic tree. Organism names are labeled withcirclesof ...
Phylogenetic trees was constructed by neighbour joining and the findings indicate that the genus Chlorogloeopsis fritschii with accession number KJ562182.1 was distantly related to the genus Nostochopsis and Fischerella. Effect of increased level of CO2 on growth and yield of wheat crop Nidhi ...
(MTBC). The genetically related group of organisms within the genus Mycobacterium that cause tuberculosis in humans or animals. Drug susceptibility testing (DST). A procedure to determine if clinical isolates are resistant to antibiotics either by testing the inhibition in culture (phenotypic DST) or...
Microorganisms comprise the majority of living organisms on our planet. For many years, exploration of the composition of microbial communities has been performed through the PCR-based study of the small subunit rRNA gene due to its high conservation across the domains of life. The application of ...
The current distributions of organisms have been shaped by both current and past geographical barriers. However, it remains unclear how past geographical factors—currently cryptic on the sea floor—affected the current distributions of terrestrial anima
Consequently, fundamental and applied research dedicated to this broad group of organisms is both important and timely. A Think Tank was organised by the EUROFUNG network on April 28–29, 2016, in Berlin, Germany to discuss current and future research opportunities and future challenges in fungal...
However, it has been shown that the production of lichen compounds can be homo- plasious and, therefore, similarities in second- ary chemistry may not necessarily indicate close phylogenetic relationships (Nelsen and Gargas, 2008). The production of secondary compounds is genetically controlled (Cul...
Wilson JK (1939) Leguminous plants and their associated organisms. Cornell University Press, NY Google Scholar Woese CR, Fox GE (1977) Phylogenetic structure of the prokaryotic domain: the primary kingdoms. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 74:5088–5090 Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scho...
Phylogenetic affinity of the trace makers is difficult to be determined because a range of bilaterian lineages exploit a worm-like body plan. Since worm-like bilaterians were in place by 560 Ma, it is self-evident that pre-bilateral lineages (Porifera, Placozoa, Cnidaria and Ctenophora) ...
as synergistic interaction between co-infecting pathogens has been shown to enhance diarrhoea pathogenesis. For example, in Ecuador, South America, simultaneous infection with rotavirus andGiardiaresulted in a greater risk of having diarrhoea than would be expected if the co-infecting organisms acted ind...