Since it is critical to use the highest version of PHP for overall website development, it is better to run a check on your WordPress site to see if your current host is running the latest version or not. Let’s see the different ways in which you can find it out yourself. 1. Exami...
Add the following inside the function to know which WordPress action or filter is calling it. error_log( "\n Current action / filter = " . current_filter(), 3, ABSPATH . "/my_error_log.log" ); Another PHP tool is debug_backtrace(). error_log( "\n " . print_r( debug_backtrac...
How can i convert my website from wordpress to .NET ? How can I create a "message box" in a web form? how can i create a short if statement like in c#: if (a<b)?a:b - using How can i detect if iframe source url can be loaded or not ? How can I display a mo...
$options = apply_filters('genesis_update_remote_post_options',array('body'=>array('genesis_version'=> PARENT_THEME_VERSION,'wp_version'=> $wp_version,'php_version'=> phpversion(),'uri'=> home_url(),'user-agent'=>"WordPress/{$wp_version};"))); $response = wp_remote_post($url, ...
echo $current_url_with_query_string; view raw php-current-page-url-with-query-string.php hosted with by GitHub In summary, understanding how to retrieve the current URL in WordPress using a PHP snippet unlocks a world of possibilities for customization and optimization. With the step-by-...
函数原型: get_current_blog_id():int 返回当前站点的 ID。 函数源码: functionget_current_blog_id(){global$blog_id;returnabsint($blog_id); } 一般的,这个函数在 WordPress 开启多站点模式的时候,才比较有用。这里又有一个全局变量 $blog_id……...
A collection of functions to help debug WordPress and other useful WordPress functions and snippets. - Troubleshooting-WordPress/current-page-admin.php at main · brett-shenk/Troubleshooting-WordPress
I set define('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', 'wordpress:8080'); in wp-config.php with <HOST>:<PORT> I then run wp site create --slug="foobar" --title="Foobar" --email="$WP_ADMIN_EMAIL" in a multi-site installation The site URL is incorrectly interpreted. Result: http://foobar.wordpress...
wp_get_current_user是一个WordPress函数,主要用来获取当前登录用户的信息。 代码示例: $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); // 获取当前用户的ID $user_id = $current_user->ID; // 获取当前用户的显示名称 $display_name = $current_user->display_name; ...