There is often a catch though. Some of the highest interest current accounts will only pay out interest for one year, for example. Many current accounts will also have an upper limit placed on the balance on which they will pay interest, or will scale down the interest rate as the balance...
Tapaan Ray:The non-executive chairman of Central Bank of India and former secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs will head the six-member working group constituted by Reserve Bank of India to review the regulatory and supervisory framework for Core Investment Companies(CICs).The terms of ...
5. Modeling driver’s behavior 6. Applications assessing and assisting drivers 7. Main challenges and possible caveats 8. Conclusions Availability of data and material Conflict of interest Acknowledgment ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (49) Figures (1) Tables (2) Table 1 Table 2International...
The time you will take to dismantle them may not pay off at the scale of the scrap yard. If your company just dismantled some A/C cooling units or generators from an old building, take them apart and get to the electric motors to make the most out of your hard work. Keep yourself ...
Residents’ quality of life (QOL) is an important indicator of their well-being, both physically and mentally, along with their social relations. Impr
Percent of Warren Buffett’s Portfolio: 3.8% Moody’s was created back in 1909, becoming the first company to analyze securities and rate their investment quality for investors on a large scale. Moody’s began with its Analyses of Railroad Investments in 1909 and has blossomed into the company...
“The provision on liability for damages caused by space activities of licensee provides for a risk sharing mechanism, by which the Central Government may determine the quantum of liability to be borne by the licensee,” the response said. The draft Bill received 52 responses, the government ...
Western governments don’t know what Vladimir Putin is likely to do next, but they do know enough to start preparing for the worst.
When you choose your supplier, it’s vital to make sure that they can scale up or down the order quantity as required. If you have a month with barely any sales, or even a really busy one, you may need to purchase small amounts of stock, or even enormous orders, so it’s importan...
These central bankers and the countries they allegedly strive to serve took on the debt and nigh worthless assets of the private sector who threw prudence through the window during the “Peak” phase of the circle of economic life, and engaged in rampant speculation. Click to enlarge to print...