Israel Raids Jericho: On Monday, February 6, 2023, Multiple Palestinian terrorists were killed in an Israeli army operation in Jericho, with the death toll reported to be five. The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) stated that the operation's goal was to apprehend a "Hamas terrorist cell" involved...
When Hamas became the ruling leader in Gaza in 2007, it was well known that the terrorist group Hamas taught the boys to be jihad warriors to kill Jews and used Palestinian women and children as human shields. Pray for God’s divine protection of the innocent in this war, and to send H...
The Israel/Hamas war continues unabated, a bloody confrontation, which originated on October 7, 2023, when Hamas (a Palestinian nationalist Sunni Islamist political organization) launched a land, sea, and air assault on Israel from the Gaza Strip. Since the fighting began, approximately 1.9 million...
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 – The Palestinian health ministry confirmed that an Israeli air strike on the Nur Shams refugee camp in the occupied West Bank has resulted in the deaths of at least five people, including two children. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) confirmed the strike, stating ...
Today, Israel exists as something of afascist ethnostate. Itdemolishes Palestinian homes and villages, sometimes using as justification laws thatallegedly only apply to Arabs. Netanyahu’s government suppresses dissent andlabels dissenters “terrorists.”Gazans live in what’s described as an“open-air...
Such is the power of six Western aid workers deaths. (My apologies for omitting from that death toll Saifeddin Issam Ayad Abutaha, a Palestinian member of the team. The headlines were not for him, even if he and his family should weigh equally in our sympathies.). We have U.S. Presi...
witnessed in the wake of last year's Russian incursion into Ukraine.The reported death toll from the fi ghting in Israel stood at 1,200 and rising as of Monday morning, with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu launching amajor military offensive against the Hamas-led Palestinian exclave ...
Mai al-Kaila, the Palestinian minister of health, told reporters in the West Bank city of Ramallah that Palestine recorded 11 fatalities and 2,886 new COVID-19 cases in the Palestinian territories in the last 24 hours. "The number of infections and deaths is on the rise due to the spread...
(July 16):So far this month, Israel has bombed 60 targets, most of them in northern Gaza, and the Palestinian death toll climbs to more than 200. Hundreds of rockets continue to be fired from Gaza into Israel, many intercepted by Israel's missile-defense system, the Iron Dome. One ...