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Culyer, C. McCabe, S. Walker, et al. Value based pricing for NHS drugs: an opportunity not to be missed? BMJ, 336 (7638) (2008), pp. 251-254 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 29 Aristotle Politica (2020) Google Scholar 30 H.G. Schachtschabel Der gerechte Preis Junker und Dünn...
OSF is one of the biggest NGOs operating in Italy. It delivers medical assistance to people living in poverty and receiving no assistance from the Italian NHS. This is made possible through the voluntary work of doctors running outpatient clinics for almost all specialties (including diabetology);...
The conjugation of CSNP to RB acid group was performed in the presence of EDC and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS), as previously described. The study showed that the CSNP-RB was also less toxic to fibroblasts and had significant antibacterial activity (reduction > 8 log) even in the presence of ...
4. Conventional Ocular Therapeutic Systems In the market, surplus ocular/ophthalmic products such as eye drops are available; this covers ~70% or more of prescription drugs available, due to ease of application, noninvasiveness, patient compliance, and cost effectiveness. 4.1. Eye Drops The eye ...