April 4, 2022, https://www.canada.ca/en/global-affairs/news/2022/04/canada-announces-it-will-impose-additional-sanctions-on-russian-and-belarusian-regimes.html; Reuters, Japan bans Russian coal imports, expels eight diplomats, April 8, 2022, https://www.reuters.com/world...
Social support increased (P < 0.0001) and perceived discrimination decreased (P < 0.01). Conclusions Pilot findings suggest that Impact Triad is promising in increasing STI/HIV protective behaviors and addressing social determinants of health among young GBQMSM and transgender women of color; further ...
On April 19th, the Biden Administration released new rules “broadening the scope of Title IX,” the 1972 law prohibiting sex discrimination in educational programs. The new rules add “gender identity” to the… Podcast March 6, 2024
Artificial intelligence in HR: how to address racial biases and algorithmic discrimination in HR? ENAR’s Eleventh European Equal@Work Seminar. Retrieved from: https://www.enar-eu.org/artificial-intelligence-in-hr-how-to-address-racial-biases-and-algorithmic-discrimination-in-hr/ Ferikoğlu, D....
Available from: https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/chatgpt-ai-experiment-mental-health-tech-app-koko-rcna65110 Accessed 13 Aug 2023. Gerger H, Munder T, Kreuzer N, Locher C, Blease C. Lay perspectives on empathy in patient-physician communication: An online experimental study. Health ...
The latest technology is helping to accelerate 'information cascades', where people make decisions based on what they see other people doing -- and getting away with Eurozone Rescue or Recession? Fallout of the October Package It was short-term good news in that it defused 'the bomb' --...
Discrimination This category highlights AI applications that have raised concerns due to their potential for discrimination, ranging from racial and gender biases to unethical uses in law enforcement. ApplicationSummaryDetailsReferences Dermatology AppGoogle's dermatology app, not fully effective for people ...
Most of the research among the transgender population has been on patients transitioning from male to female transgender. There is a great need for gender affirmation in these trans-men and trans-women due to the stigma and discrimination they often face. There are specific challenges faced by th...
The term has two distinct usages: for the purposes of the state government’s positive discrimination program, in 2009 it was designated an umbrella term for the Arunthatiyar, Chakkiliyar, Madari, Madiga, Pagadai, Thoti and Adi Dravida communities. While the Office of the Registrar-General, ...
As many of us struggled to understand the seemingly sudden onset of gender identity ideology and wonder how it took hold of institutions so quickly, Jennifer dug in and found the truth: billionaires, biotech, and transhumanists. In this episode, I speak with Jennifer about her research and what...