Breaking News Near Me | Dominica Current Affairs, World news, politics, and social affairs, culture, and society happening in the world.
“Such a bounce in popularity is not happening with this president. It went up four percent, then went down 4 percent,” Thurber said. “The meager gains during this COVID-19 crisis is truly stunning. Usually there is a rallying effect with other leaders in times of crisis.” Asked what...
What I share with you below does not claim, or attempt, to be an academic analysis, nor a piece of investigative journalism, but rather a haphazard chronicle and commentary on what is happening in Puerto Rico at the moment, written, inevitably, from my perspective as a scholar, writer, and...
I hope your holidays were wonderful and your new year full of potential. Speaking of potential, we've got an amazing astrological event that will be happening on the 20th! With that event, we can dive into some deep and incredible magick! I'm reposting some of this so you may recognize ...