Nicolay Dmitrevsky6, Victor Karnaukh3, Alexey Gunar7, Alexander Meluzov6 & Denis Chernykh3 The rates of subsea permafrost degradation and occurrence of gas-migration pathways are key factors controlling the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) methane (CH4) emissions, yet these factors still require...
Electric currents in the solar wind plasma are investigated using 92 ms fluxgate magnetometer data acquired in a high-speed stream near 1 AU. The minimum resolvable scale is roughly 0.18 s in the spacecraft frame or, using Taylor's “frozen turbulence” approximation, one proton inertial length...
Market conditions improve: critical out-of-state pipeline service restored; experts also cite improved weather conditions and related decrease in natural gas demand as contributing to lower market prices SoCalGas continues to encourage customers to conse
We first review opportunities for renewable energy integration; then, we elucidate the challenges (including those associated with the power grid) of doing so; and, finally, we examine the possibility of considering electricity usage and demand during the production scheduling process to capitalize on...
The stronger forced flow significantly promotes higher dendrite fragmentation rates as well as finer grains. This is the reason why the finer grains are produced in the current experimental condition, since the stronger forced flow is generated by controlling the distribution of electric current. More...
In the case of traditional alkaline water electrolysis, the separation factor originates from the different recombination rates of protium, deuterium and tritium atoms on the cathode surface during gas formation. Today, mainly water–hydrogen sulfide exchange or ammonia–water extraction processes are ...
Vehicle grid integrationElectricity generation simulationGISControlled chargingWe quantitatively investigate the impact of uncontrolled and controlled charging demand of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) on electricity generation, loss-of-load probability (LOLP), and levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) in ...
An improvement of 42% is revealed by modifying the inlet gas flow rates and by enhancing the current collection. In the future, optimization of cell geometry will be performed to improve the homogeneity of different physical fields and thus to improve the stability of the cell. This is a ...
Transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) has been tested as a non-invasive tool to improve neurorehabilitation. The electric currents that TDCS can induce in the cortex through scalp electrodes result in a minor shift in the membrane potential and thereby a modification of the intrinsic neuronal...
Millimeter Wave Energy at 20X 4G Power=Sterility and Disease. The Love of God aka “Charity” (1 Cor 13) is #1; new bible versions change “Charity” to “Love” which has a vastly different meaning, the results seen in the 2006 movie Children of Men; Fertility Rates drop to 0. ...