The concept that proton relaxation times could be influenced by the presence of paramagnetic ions (with the promise of increased visibility of organs or body regions) was realized shortly after this in the late 1970s [9]. Research then began into suitable paramagnetic ion complexes for use as M...
MRT-LoRa: A multi-hop real-time communication protocol for industrial IoT applications over LoRa networks. Comput. Commun. 2022, 12, 72–86. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Jha, R.K. Layer based security in Narrow Band Internet of Things (NB-IoT). Comput. Netw. 2021, 185, 105–126. [...
Some studies have proposed an analog to histopathological tumor regression grade (TRG), which has been named mrTRG, first of all by the Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Rectal Cancer European Equivalence Study (MERCURY) [50] (Figure 7). Figure 7. (A) T2-weighted axial oblique MRI of T3b ...
eTthibOeos2ueanncddoanrtdiheuescestlieevrcevtreboaolysutpnerdfooatrleliocetswivesederlabvyyeearanss to preevnehnatntcheeddsitraebcitlictoynotfactht ebeatcwtiveeenmtahteerTiiaOls2aannddlothwe pelaercatsriotilcyteelefcotlrloolwyteedcobnysaunmepnthioann.cVedarsiotaubsilsittuydoifesthe actrivepeomrt...
aIns BsuEmRTmoaloryg,ythseerifeaskme noedwelss danetdechtaiovne amcehtiheovdedbgaoseodd opnertfhoermparen-cteraiinnevdarmiooudsetlasisksa.lrIenasduyma- mreaserya,rtchhetfraeknednienwtshdisetfieecltdio.nHmowethevoedr,badseesdpiotne the pcorem-tpraleinxecdhmaroadcetelriisstailcrseaodfyf...
China and Singapore [207]. A review of autopsy materials between 1967 and 1975 uncovered a further nine cases of S. japonicum-malaysia (later classified as S. malayensis in 1988) [199,207]. No animal infections, snail hosts, or new human cases in the areas that the infected deceased ...