However, no time frame can be fixed for consideration of the demands for the inclusion of more languages in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India.Presently, there are more than 30 languages that are demanded to be included in the eighth schedule of the constitution....
A significant change has been found in regulations of India and the United States. US FDA has a solid command in the cosmetic regulations, while in India regulations are not so much stringent.BHAT, SAVITHA S.VENKATESH, M. P.V., BALAMURALIDHARA...
As noted in earlier posts, India and South Africa (WTO Members who are not participating in any of the Joint Statement Initiatives) have raised objections to the use of JSIs to update rules claiming such approaches are inconsistent with existing WTO requirements.See, e.g., November 17, 2021:...
Bacteria forming nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with legumes, classically named rhizobia, currently include more than 100 species distributed in the old genera Allorhizobium, Azorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Ensifer (formerly Sinorhizobium), Mesorhizobium and Rh
(1999) "Current Practices of Joint Forest Management in Western India: A case Study from Rajpipla Forests. PhD Dissertation. State Univ. of New York.Sinha, Vinay Kumar (1999) "Current Practices of Joint Forest Management in Western India: A case Study from Rajpipla Forests. Dissertation ...
Study of Factors Influencing Current Account Defcit of India (2007–12) with Special Emphasis on Gold ImportsMRS PUJA RAWAT
database. This study finds that India's service sector is growing at a rate almost equal to its balance of payments equilibrium growth rate under the assumption of constant relative prices in international trade, and at a rate lower than the equilibrium growth rate when this assumption is ...
database. This study finds that India's service sector is growing at a rate almost equal to its balance of payments equilibrium growth rate under the assumption of constant relative prices in international trade, and at a rate lower than the equilibrium growth rate when this assumption is ...
Smell and sound signs fall under such category though they are not yet recognised in India. Several broadcasting organisations and film producers have specific signature tunes to identify their programmes. This article review about the features of legislation, function and selection of trademark, types...