In the Heightsis a celebration of a different side of NYC—one literally miles from Times Square, Wall Street, the Plaza Hotel, and everywhere else Hollywood usually points a camera at. But Washington HeightsisNew York for those living at the tip top point of Manhattan, just...
” To University of Minnesota Press (UMP) for publication in 2026. Patrin is previously author ofBring That Beat Back: How Sampling Built Hip-HopandThe Needle and the Lens: Pop Goes to the Movies from Rock’n’Roll to Synthwave, published by UMP in 2019 and 2022, so the new book ...
” To University of Minnesota Press (UMP) for publication in 2026. Patrin is previously author ofBring That Beat Back: How Sampling Built Hip-HopandThe Needle and the Lens: Pop Goes to the Movies from Rock’n’Roll to Synthwave, published by UMP in 2019 and 2022, so the new book ...