36B described in the preceding paragraph. It is for elections effective on or after Jan. 1, 2023, and amplifies Notice 2014-55. Calculating the premium tax credit: Rev. Proc. 2022-34 was issued to make indexing adjustments to calculate the premium tax credit for 2023. The required ...
Reelecting Trump will give him a mandate, and he will see it as validation for his worst impulses, which have been on full display during the campaign — such as hisamplification of a neo-Nazi hoaxthat Haitian immigrants eat neighborhood cats and dogs in Ohio. A potential blueprint for a ...
Many environmental pollutants are known to have disproportionate effects on Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) as well as communities of low-income and wealth. The reasons for these disproportionate effects are complex and involve hundreds of years of systematic oppression kept in place th...