124 billion gallons of gasoline, and the oil companies made $1.40 in profits for every gallon sold, and they also received about $0.13 per gallon in federal and state subsidies. Currently, oil costs $85 a barrel. That is $25 less than a barrel cost 10 years ago, yet the price of ...
最初是从 [[2fort/zh-hans|2fort]] 海陵,牛已准备好去战斗,对您的敌人造成[[bleeding/zh-hans|流血]]和[[milk/zh-hans|牛奶]]。还有加入了第一次可玩角色——[[User:Benjamuffin/Demopan|煎锅战士]]!装备了他所信赖的[[Stout Shako/zh-hans|斯托特军帽]]和[[Frying Pan/zh-hans|平底煎锅]],此[...
Over the past few years, our provincial and federal milk boards and committees have worked hard to create a way to encourage our processors to resume using Canadian milk. We’ve created a new class of milk that is priced at the world milk price. Now that our milk is financially competitive...
I also acquired a 30 gallon plastic drum and a friend of mine who lives outside Maricopa County purchased fuel without ethanol and visited twice as these trains do so much better on old style gasoline than the newer fuel mix with all of the additives. We got the old gasoline drained out...
[11]. According to the TEA model biodiesel from algal biomass below $5/gallon gasoline equivalent and bioethanol at the cost $2.95/gal are economically viable [47]. Some studies suggested the feasible and economically viable price of algae competitive to other biofuels is $1/L [18]. Several...
[11]. According to the TEA model biodiesel from algal biomass below $5/gallon gasoline equivalent and bioethanol at the cost $2.95/gal are economically viable [47]. Some studies suggested the feasible and economically viable price of algae competitive to other biofuels is $1/L [18]. Several...