The military base at Kibithu Garrison, which is located in Arunachal Pradesh and very near to the Line of Actual Control (LAC), has been renamed “Gen Bipin Rawat military garrison.” In his capacity as a young colonel, Gen Rawat led his Battalion 5/11 Gorkha Rifles at Kibithu from 1999...
“Prashata Ranvirta” Is A Motto Of Jammu And Kashmir Rifles Gorkha Regiment Punjab Regiment None ANSWER: A Exercises B/w India And Bangladesh Is Called: GARUDA SHAKTI SLINEX SAMPRITI Yudha Abhyas ANSWER: C Barrett M95 Is A Sniper Rifles Helicopter ATAGS ATGM ANSWER: A Astra Is A Air-to-...
Its multiple features, including a rangefinder and ballistic solver, visible and IR lasers and IR illumination, greatly simplify sighting corrections for long range direct fire weapons such as sniper/precision rifles and spotting scopes. "FN Herstal's acquisitio...
Procurement of 5,719 Sniper Rifles for the Indian Army and Indian Air Force at an estimated cost of Rs 982 crore Procurement of Advanced Torpedo Decoy Systems (ATDS) for the Indian Navy 9 - India gets access to strategic Oman port Duqm for military use India has secured access to the key...