recently identified 32 studies covering the use of ML classifiers within the field of obstetrics and midwifery92. Focussing on neonatal mortality prediction, Slattery et al., developed a neural network to perform risk classification for HIE with a specificity of 81% in the case of a convolutional...
We acknowledge that the support from different professionals may be varied however, within the NHS there is much support from the midwifery community for using a wide range of coping strategies (Merriel et al., 2023). Additionally, there are other topics which may be important to cover in ANE...
Correspondence, AddressA. Pollock, Nursing MidwiferyAllied Health, ProfessionsPollock A, Brady M, Langhorne P. DORIS: Database of Research in Stroke—current best evidence, ongoing research and priorities for future research relating to stroke rehabilitation. Int J Stroke. ...
2020). Hence, pandemic-specific social media campaigns that encourage testing are recommended and already implemented in the UK (e.g.,, using claims like “Been going solo recently? Time to test. Lockdown...
(except doctors and nurses in the global north) such as clinical psychology, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, medical assistants, dentistry, community health workers, midwifery and local and indigenous professions (Ayurvedic, Homeopathy, traditional healers). We believe it...