Carl O'Brien
It’s clear that Vladimir Putin and all of our geopolitical foes would rejoice at the breakup of the UK, the diminishment of our union and the potential threat to the continuity of the UK’s nuclear deterrent (given that our ballistic submarine fleet are based in Faslane, Scotland). Why t...
There are many opportunities for interventions or nudges to minimise engagement in potentially addictive behaviours. These have worked for tobacco where some countries such as Australia have seen smoking rates fall by over 70% [92]. Ideally, legislation and government health and social policy should ...
A New York [politician] is trying to introduce the same age verification legislation that has resulted in massive porn sites…going dark acrossmuch of the U.S…The bill, introduced by [sociopaths] Jake Ashby and…Mary Beth Walsh, is almost identical toevery other [sex surveillance] lawthat ...
Many foundations actively advocate for mental health legislations to influence laws in order to ensure an efficient, accessible and evidence-based mental health care for those in need. Recent times have also witnessed several laws introduced that aim foreffective treatmentand rehabilitation of the ment...
Many factors influence the health impact of exposure to metalliferous mine dusts and whilst the underpinning toxicology is pivotal, it is not the only driv
Moore and Stevenson (1991) described the presence of intersexuality in benthic harpacticoid copepod crustaceans (Paramphiascella hyperborea) found in the Firth of Forth, Scotland. Twenty-eight out of 30 individuals (93%) collected near a STW discharge were found to be intersex on the basis of ...
a fundamental change that is reminiscent of the so-far successful breakup of General Electric into separate aerospace, healthcare and green energy businesses earlier this year. Troubles have been mounting for Honeywell’s aerospace arm asoutlined in Elliot’s letter. That side of the business has ...
(2003). The current and future state of mental health insurance parity legislation. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 27, 34-42.Kjorstad MC. “The Current and Future State of Mental Health Insurance Parity Legislation.” Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. 2003; 27 (1):34–42. [ ...
Ideally, legislation and government health and social policy should support such softer interventions. After all, the consumption of adult pornography by adults is currently legal in most jurisdictions [60]. In contrast, the use of CSAM by adults is illegal. Criminal justice agencies around the ...