Jan. 18 — Glenn Frey: American singer, songwriter and founding member of the rock band the Eagles. Jan.26 — Abe Vigoda: American actor. Feb. 12-13 — Antonin Scalia: Associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1986 until his death. March 6 — Nancy Davis Reagan: American actre...
Dannite Band was Joseph Smith’s private army; on 9/11/1857 Mormon Prophet and Luciferian Freemason Brigham Young ordered the slaughter of 120 in the Fancher-Baker Party simply because they were from Arkansas where Mitt Romney’s 4th great grandfather Parley Pratt (CFR HQ is the Pratt House...
On May 29, 2005, French voters rejected the European Union constitution by a 55%–45% margin. Reasons given for rejecting the constitution included concerns about forfeiting too much French sovereignty to a centralized European government and alarm at the EU's rapid addition of 10 new members in...
Celeste “CC” Spinaplays her brand of gritty jazz drumming for her bandLittle Hurricaneconsisting of CC and guitarist Anthony “Tone” Catalano. With only two members in the group, chemistry is a must especially when playing the blues. CC’s drumming truly complements the guitar, showcasing he...
The formation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is critical for the evolution of the global climate, but the timing of its onset is not well constrained. Here, we present new seismic evidence of widespread Late Eocene to Oligocene marine diagene
Mentalhealthsocialworkersareatincreasedriskofbeingconfrontedwithfatalandnonfatal clientsuicidalbehavior(CSB).Researchhasdocumentedpersonalandprofessionalreactions toCSB;however,empiricalevidencedescribingthepotentiallong-termeffectsisscarce.This studyexaminedcurrentreactionsofperceivedstressandcontinualthoughtsoftheCSBin 285...